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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Zelda no Densetsu : Twilight Princess System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2007-12-07 15:30:20 Views : 26310 Restore health If you want more health when low, catch some fish. You can do this as many times as needed. Make Midna mad When you are restoring items such as the bridge in Kakariko Gorge, the fountain in Zora's Domain and the bridge north of East Hyrule, go to each of these items. Then, warp somewhere besides where the location should be. She will get frustrated with you and will yell at you. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time reference The three spirits that watch over Hyrule are a reference to the goddesses in Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. Their names are similar. Alternate sword sheathing Just after killing a monster, press A to put away your sword. It will do the same sheathing move as when you kill a Boss or when you learn a new Hidden Skill. Easy Lantern Oil Get an empty bottle and go to the shop close to the Forest Temple run by the bird. Go inside and take some. Walk out he will ask to be paid. Do not pay. The next time you come back and go inside, he will call you a thief. Quickly take more items before he can peck you. Note: The peck only does one quarter of a heart of damage. Talk to Epona When you able to become both human and wolf, go to a patch of "Horse Calls" as a wolf. Press A to howl. Howl the song as indicated with blue lines, and Epona will come to you. Still as a wolf, go up to Epona and talk to her. She tell you to hurry up and turn back into a human. Giant Wallet Give Agatha all 24 Golden Bugs Malo Mart-Castle Branch and Magic Armor After donating 1000 rupees and completing the hot springwater sidequest, donate 2000 more rupees to Malo Mart. A new Malo Mart will open in Castle Town and magic armor will be available for purchase there. The amount owed can be reduced (see Secrets section below). Defeating Fyrus Shoot the eye on is head a few times and he will fall. Then run up and start slashing away. He will get back up. This time you only need to shoot him once and he will fall. Do it one more time and you shall be victorious. If you are running low on arrows or health there are pots around the room. Mario series reference There is a Bullet Bill on Fyer's left arm. Bottles Bottle 1: The woman gives this bottle to you at the start of the game. Bottle 2: Purchased from Coro South of Faron Forest for 100 rupees (includes lantern oil with purchase). Bottle 3: Go to the Fishing Hole that Hena owns at the place called Upper Zora River. Go to the Fishing Hole and bobber fish at the bridge where there is a sign. The water is murkier than normal. This may require multiple attempts. Bottle 4: Defeat and collect 20 Poe Souls and bring them to Jovani in Castle Town (where all the cats are must be able to dig). Bigger quivers Enter the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town and play the "STAR" mini-game. If you have the Clawshot, win level 1 of the mini-game to unblock the Big Quiver, with a 60 arrow capacity. If you have the Double Clawshot, win level 2 of the mini-game to unlock the Giant Quiver, with a 100 arrow capacity. Resume game easily When in a dungeon and you save and turn off the game, when the game is resumed you normally have to go through the entire dungeon again to get back to the room where you left off. To avoid this, before you save use your Ooccoo and warp out. Then, save and turn off the game. When you turn it back on, use your Ooccoo again. You will be in the room where you left off. Defeating Twilight monsters The easiest way to defeat them is to kill the one that is not near you, then use the force field to kill the rest. Infinite Bomb First, as a wolf, play PLumm's minigame with the fruit and crash. Then, turn back into a human and turn to the water behind you. While swimming in it, equip the hookshot, and while it is held out, strafe tothe side and through the wall. If it works, you'll be swimming through the wall. Keep swimming until you flall and die. Now, as you wake up, Plumm will come back and ask to to play again. Say yes. Then crash at the beginning again. You should wake back up in the beyond-the-wall area from before, but you can stand. Turn into a wolf and jump into the waterfall. Then, you'll wake up in front of Iza's assistant. Say yes, and you'll go to her cabin. The boat will take off without you, and you'll be a wolf. So now, warp anywhere you want, and you'll have infinite bombs. Note: This ends when you turn off the game, sadly Bomb Bag Upgrades There are 3 bomb bags to obtain and 1 capacity upgrade that affects all 3 bags.
Safe fall When you are in Ordon. Pick up a chicken and run off a hill or some other high location. The chicken will flap its wings and you will be able to hover to the ground. Golden bug locations The locations of all 24 bugs are as follows. Ant: Kakariko Village. The male ant is located on a tree to the right of the hole in the back of the Kakariko graveyard and the female ant is in the house just prior to the bomb shop on the west side of the village. Beetle: Faron Province, Hyrule Field. The male beetle is located on a tree in the southern portion of Hyrule Field. The tree is positioned between two raised land masses. As for the female, she is on a tree on the western side of the field. It is just south of the giant dirt patch. Butterfly: Hyrule Field east of Castle Town. Just south of the east entrance of Castle Town is a small flower patch containing the male. To find the female, she is on a vine-covered ledge just northeast of the east castle town exit. Dayfly: Gerudo Desert. To find the male you must search the southern part of the desert, almost dead center, north of the barricades. For the female, search the trenches at the southeast end of the desert (near the chunk of bridge). It is recommended that you do this at nightfall. Dragonfly: Zora's Domain. The male is on top of the hill at the southwest end of the domain. The female is right in front of the boating game shack. Grasshopper: Eldin Province, Hyrule Field. The male is at the entrance to Kakariko Village. The female is at the northeastern part of the map. This is best done at night. Ladybug: South of Castle Town. The male is on the vine covered pillar southwest of the gate. The female is near the three trees of the left side of the balcony. Mantis: Great Hylian Bridge. The male is on the wall of the northern half of the bridge. The female is on a rock just south of the bridge. It is easier to find her by looking at the bridge. Phasmid: Eldin Bridge. The male is on the arch on the south end of the bridge. The female is on a cliff to the north of the bridge. You will need the Clawshot. Pill Bug: Kakariko Gorge. The male is on the southern end of the bridge. The female is found by some flowers on the southwest corner, north of the bridge. Snail: Sacred Grove. The male is on the inside of the southwestern alcove. The female is inside the Temple Of Time, on west side of the staircase. Stag Beetle: Hyrule Field north of Castle Town. The male is near a tree on the east side of the bridge. The female is on the northern side of the field, above a bombable entrance to an icy cave. Control Cucco Hit a Cucco about eight times to be able to control it briefly. Talk to Epona When you able to become both human and wolf, go to a patch of "Horse Calls" as a wolf. Press A to howl. Howl the song as indicated with blue lines, and Epona will come to you. Still as a wolf, go up to Epona and talk to her. She tell you to hurry up and turn back into a human. Quiver Upgrades To upgrade you arrow capacity, you need to play the "STAR" game located in the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town.
Fairies After locating the Gerudo Mesa and Cave of Ordeals in the Gerudo desert, you are able to unlock fairies and later Great Fairies at each spring around Hyrule. Smaller fairies can be bottled, restore 8 hearts when used, or when you run out of hearts. Great Fairies will give you a bottle full of Great Fairy Tears, which heal you full and temporarily boost your attack, provided you have an empty bottle and no Tears in your inventory already. Both have an infinite supply once unlocked.
Easy Way To Win Flight-By-Fowl Minigame! When you unlock Falbi's Flight-By-Fowl minigame on Lake Hylia save as soon as you enter his hut. Then pay for the minigame and try to land on the top tier platform. If you fail reload. For some reason it lets you start again inside his hut. Where you can try again instead of having to pay 10 Rupees to get launched from Fryers attraction again. Sparkling gold Chu Jelly The rare Chu jelly (golden and sparkling) can be found in various places (for example, in the Snowpeak area). This is very valuable Chu jelly because it restores all of your hearts and also temporarily increases your attack strength. Bigger quivers Enter the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town and play the "STAR" mini-game. If you have the Clawshot, win level 1 of the mini-game to unblock the Big Quiver, with a 60 arrow capacity. If you have the Double Clawshot, win level 2 of the mini-game to unlock the Giant Quiver, with a 100 arrow capacity. Unlimited Rupees Bring 60 Poe Souls to Jiovani. Poe Rewards You can unlock certain rewards for returning Poes back to Jiovani.
Bottle: Fishing Hole Go to the fishing hole, and find the sign that says: No Littering! You can get a bottle if you fish on the right side of the bridge that is near that sign. Its darker water than normal. Triforce on Golden Ladybug When in Princess Agitha's house, if you have already caught a Golden Ladybug ,look on its back. When the glow goes away you should see the Triforce in the center of its back. Donation Reduction Donate 1000 rupees to Goron inside the Malo Mart in Kakariko Village (you must progress past the third dungeon beforehand). Talk to the old Goron outside the shop and complete the quest he offers. Once completed, the second donation amount will be reduced from 2000 to 200 rupees. Make day and night appear faster Stand in an area without moving. Notice that time will be very slow between day and night. If you move and do things, it will move a bit faster. If you want day or night to appear a lot faster, do a combination of moving and warping. You will notice the effect happening faster. Better quality sound During game play, sounds like your sword being swung, menu selections, item switching, etc. are played through the Wiimote speaker, which is shallow and sounds cheap. Although it makes the experience have more depth, the sound quality of that depth is low. Press Home and turn the Wiimote speaker volume all the way down to shut it off. All sounds will now play through your television or sound system, and will be of much better quality. Frog lure To unlock the frog lure, beat all the levels of rollgoal in the fishing hut at Upper Zora's River. To play, look around for a little board and when you see at, press up on the C-Stick and look directly at it for a second. She'll ask you to play for 5 rupees. Bigger bomb bags Score 25 points playing Iza's boat game by shooting jars on the way down to Lake Hylia. Yellow jars are worth 1 point and red jars are worth 2 points. After you score 25 points Iza's helper will allow you to carry double the bombs in all of your bomb bags. The amount of bombs in each bag depends on what type of bombs you are currently holding in each bag. Adult Wallet The Adult Wallet can be obtained after defeating the giant Twilight Bug at Lake Hylia. Go to Hyrule Castle Town as a human and go to the southeast alleyway. Look for a door. Give the girl inside any Golden Bug you have caught and she will give you an Adult Wallet, capable of holding 600 Rupees. One golden bug is outside the south entrance of Castle Town, on the top of a large vine covered column. Blow up the rocks with a bomb and a Golden Ladybug will come out. It will resemble a point of light. Hit it with the boomerang and grab it with A. There are also two Golden Ants in Kakariko and Kakariko graveyard. Throwing Ordon goats without making them mad In the Ordon village, go to the area that has a lot of Ordon goats. Get in front of one then move forward slightly and press A. You will toss the goat, but it gets back up it will turn red and try to ram into you. Big Wallet Give Agatha 1 Golden Bug Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Zelda no Densetsu : Twilight Princess cheat codes.
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